About Me

Hi, I'm Tanya. I'm a South African now living in Amsterdam. I'm a mom, runner and writer, and work in content & advertising. Welcome to my blog. Read More

Are you thinking of moving to The Netherlands?

Are you considering emigrating but not sure where to start? I can give you practical and essential info before you move here. To chat or find out more, you can email me here.

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Latest Posts
  • The 4-year Amsterdam update

    It didn’t surprise me that I had forgotten the logins for this blog, and that I had to reset the password. I might have had this site for four years since moving to Amsterdam, but regular posts have almost been as scarce as the sunshine this “summer”. But, buoyed by so many (three!) of you asking when next I’m writing,…

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  • New year, blah blah blah

    No, it was not a new year’s resolution to start blogging again, but since I’ve found a little bit of my writing-outside-of-work mojo again, here I am (it’s a relief there was an autofilled password for the back end of this site, because I don’t remember it offhand. 2023 wasn’t the worst, but lots of small things sucked out a…

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  • Another epic summer holiday (with autumn undertones)

    After our amazing roadtrip last year to Germany, Hungary and Austria, we decided for a similar experience this summer and packed up the car one early Thursday morning for the start of our European holiday. Once again, Andrew put together a brilliant itinerary that took us to seven cities in five countries, with a perfect mix of swimming, exploration, shopping,…

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  • Almost 3 years… already?

    Just a few weeks ago someone asked me how long I’d lived in the Netherlands for, and I said 2.5 years. Then about 3 weeks after that, I got a Facebook memory pop up, reminding me that it was a whole THREE YEARS AGO that the shipping company took our cube to set sail, which was a mere two weeks…

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  • The second hardest part of emigrating (it will probably surprise you)

    Aside from leaving my people, for me, the next hardest thing wasn’t leaving the weather. It wasn’t leaving behind the good things, like Woolies, or Dis-Chem (or doctors who were more liberal with writing prescriptions). It wasn’t about feeling like a “foreigner” or learning my way around here. It wasn’t the language, or getting used to new systems, schooling, rules…

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  • Another fracture and a new home!

    Though I didn’t want it to be this way, my blog posts have now turned into quarterly reports, when I was hoping they would be weekly. But I guess time really does allow for news to accumulate… like the purchase of a new home! A few months ago, Andrew and I thought we’d start looking around at homes in the…

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